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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Should Christians ever confront people with the truth?

Some think that followers of Jesus are never to be critical, never to make an evaluation.

Some think that being a Christian means we just love and accept everyone and never speak critically of anyone under any circumstances. We should all just lock arms and collectively sing “Kumbaya!”
That is a sweet sentiment, but it is not New Testament Christianity.


Betty Lynn Pepka said...

Yes. We should. But it can be ugly and misunderstood. People will twist your motives. Just happened to me last week at work. But God is in control and i know it was the right thing to do. Being a Christian isn't easy. Esp when you have to deal with people. Gee this would be a much easier journey without the people-LOL. God is working on my attitude. I am grateful for that- forgiven, not perfect

Betty Lynn Pepka said...
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Dionna said...

I believe we are responsible to one another and so yes - we need to confront each other...but we need to do it in love. Not in a heart of criticsm or condemnation. There's a big difference.